OS3 HO Lite Colored Handle
Basic entry level version of the ALL Pro series. 2 or 3 wire Positive Gate operation from 12 to 24V with Adjustable Sensitivty and On/Off Brakes. Runs most HO cars including ALL Pancake motor cars (OS3 TFX, AW, Aurora, DASH) to most 6 ohm or higher inline motor cars (Mega G+, Super G+, LL, Tyco, AFX). Spare 5A Fuses can be ordered on the Controller Parts page.
Controller Operation
OS3 Pro Series Controller Features
Controller Instructions
The HO Lite is an entry-level HO Scale electronic controller, intended for use with All HO cars from Tjets to 6 ohm magnet cars operating up to 24V but is best between 12-20V. Cars in the range of the controller include, 6 ohm Tyco, Tomy, LifeLike, Wizzard, Slottech and Viper cars, all OS3 TFX, Autoworld and DASH cars, Mega G, and all vintage Tyco and Aurora cars. It features all of the basics of the Pro Series controllers. It has 38" of color matching 16ga super flexible silicone wire outside the handle connected to color matching insulators over steel clips. Designed to handle rough use, the fuse and Sensitivity knob are tucked into the handle and are not as susceptible to drops. The color-coded wire makes it easier to ensure the correct wire makes it to the correct post. The absence of a Brake Pot means no brakes to blow when hooked up wrong. These features makes it great as a "Rental" or "House" controller, the controller you lend your guests instead of your ALL Pro. It features the following Controls:
- Adjustable Sensitivity Provides a wide range that is set to run all HO cars from Tjets to 6 ohm magnet cars running up to 20V.
- On/Off Brakes Brakes are available when the RED wire is connected .
HO Lite Controls
Sensitivity Knob - Fully CCW is the lowest sensitivity for the slowest starting speed. Fully CW is the highest sensitivity for the highest starting speed.
Brakes - Connecting the REDwire provide Full Brakes at 0 ohms. Disconnecting the RED wire provides NO Brakes.
All handles come with matching color wire and triggers